Now showing items 2-21 of 69

      Actividades de expresión gráfico plástica, desarrollo de la motricidad fina. [1]
      adaptation,adult,aged,Article,clinical assessment, clinical evaluation, community care, confirmatory factor analysis, controlled study, cultural anthropology, daily life activity, educational status, exploratory factor analysis, female,human, interrater reliability, Lawton instrumental activities of daily living scale, male, middle aged, psychometry, sex, Sri Lanka, very elderly, aging, clinical trial, cognition, coping behavior, multicenter study, psychology, psychometry [1]
      adolescent,adult,child,female,food addiction, human, male, obesity, prevalence, South and Central America, statistics and numerical data, student, university [1]
      adolescent; adult; aged; Australia; comparative study; headache; human; incidence; Internet; middle aged; search engine; season; trends, United States; young adult [1]
      Adolescentes, conocimientos, ITS /VIH SIDA . [1]
      Adultos maduros, Determinantes y Salud. [1]
      aged; anxiety; Article; clinical practice; dysarthria; human; insomnia; slowness; weakness [1]
      aged; dental health; elderly care; health care access; human; Letter; mouth; public health; health; health care delivery; health care policy; Peru [1]
      Anemia; Iron; iron supplements [1]
      Arcgis, Municipalidad, Paneles publicitarios, SIG. [1]
      arthralgia; conjunctivitis;fluid intake; human; infection control; Letter; maculopapular rash; microcephaly; mosquito bite; neurologic disease; newborn; pregnant woman; public health; virus transmission; Zika fever; Zika virus; climate change; epidemic; female; international cooperation; male; Peru; pregnancy; pregnancy complication; public policy; South and Central America; transmission; travel related disease; Zika fever [1]
      Article; carbon footprint; climate change; developing country; government; health care planning; human; medical society; non communicable disease; Peru; developing country; public health [1]
      Benchmarking, Gestión, Liderazgo, Marketing, Mype, TICs [1]
      bibliographic database; human; psychology; publication; South and Central America [1]
      Bibliometrics; Research; Saudi Arabia [1]
      cannabinoid, consumer, drug marketing, human, letter [1]
      Carcinoma; Squamous Cell; Papillomavirus Infections; oropharyngeal cancers [1]
      Child; Child Nutrition Disorders; Child, Preschool; Geographic Information Systems; Health Information Systems; Obesity; Peru [1]
      child; childhood obesity; comorbidity; human; malnutrition; Peru; preschool child [1]
      Cliente, RUP, Servicio, Sistema informático Web, TIC. [1]